Shree Ishwerbhai Somabhai Patel (KAKA) was born on May 28, 1916 into a well to do famous “Dhorewala” family in Davol. At a time when very few in Chovis Gam were even completing school, he dreamt of higher education.  He completed high school in Borsad and continued on with his best friend-more like brother-Shree Somabhai P Patel of Davol, to complete his college education at MS University.


He completed his Bachelor in Science and went on to complete his degree in law. After completing this, he decided not to practice law and moved to Bombay to start his business.


From day one his mind was set that everyone should strive for higher education.  Education is the passport to prosperity.  He planted this ideal into the minds of his children, as well as the minds of many young boys and girls of Chovis Gam.


In the early sixties, he sent his Son –In-Law, Shree Jashbahi R Patel of Kavitha, to the USA.  From then on he encouraged everyone to go abroad.  He was not satisfied to only send his own children to USA.  He made a goal of sending more than 200 young boys to the USA for higher education.


He had to convince most of the middle class parents of Chovis Gam to raise funds to send their children to the USA. He had a dream and vision for a bright and prosperous future for Chovis Gam youths in America.


During the seventies and early eighties even the American Deputy Council (VISA), Ms. Murphy, knew him personally and addressed him as Kaka.


To fulfill his vision, he became a clearing house for the Chovis Gam youth. He faced the hardship of rationing in Bombay but he was not deterred.

He continued to encourage Chovis Gam youth by filling out the visa application and offering them help and guidance to pass the English test.  He coached them on interview tactics and briefed them on the plane ride which for most was a first.


In his relentless pursuit to achieve his goal, he even enlisted his children in the USA to obtain admission letters from American schools for the youths.


His inspiration, motivation and facilitation became the basis of the migration of Chovis Gam youths to the USA in the early sixties to early eighties. Most of us and our dependents that followed after we become USA citizens are direct or indirect beneficiaries of his selfless efforts.


In Oct 1989, he died in Knoxville, TN.  The outpouring of the Chovis Gam community at his funeral was a testimony of the love and respect he earned for his countless and selfless service to his people.


So we dedicate this website to his memory. What is more fitting to serve his dream than this high tech effort?